CATEGORY: Knuth: Blunder (Thinking the right thing but doing it wrong) REFERENCE: EXPLANATION: The following code ensures that four double-strikes are done whenever the current hour is evenly divisible by four: # Correction for four double-strikes at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00 ... if double_strikes == 0: double_strikes = ShipBell.MAX_DOUBLE_STRIKES However, this condition is also true for all minutes following that hour, which is not what is desired. CONSEQUENCES: Whenever 'double_strikes' is 0, 'double_strikes' is unconditionally set to 'ShipBell.MAX_DOUBLE_STRIKES', even half an hour later, when 'single_strikes' has changed to 1. Consequently, the bell pattern is "2 2 2 2 1", when it should be "1". BUGFIX: The correction for four double-strikes shall only be done exactly on the hour, when 'minutes' equals 0: # Correction for four double-strikes at 00:00, 04:00, 08:00 ... if double_strikes == 0 and minutes == 0: double_strikes = ShipBell.MAX_DOUBLE_STRIKES REMARKS: The full code of the Ship's Bell app can be found here: