Taiming Unwieldy Initialization Routines

“Please forgive the long letter; I didn’t have time to write a short one.”
― Blaise Pascal

Sometimes, you need to write a component initialization method that does many things: initialize hardware (e. g. various sensors), multiple libraries, and so on. Usually, some initialization steps are dependent on the successful execution of previous steps, so if one step fails, you want to skip the rest of the initialization procedure to avoid crashes.

Such initialization methods can easily become 100+ lines long, which is far off from the 5 to 10 lines that Uncle Bob and followers of the Clean Code school of thought recommend. That’s why it’s often a good idea to put the initialization steps into methods of their own, each consisting of only 5 to 10 lines of code:

While this achieves the primary goal of reducing the length of the initialization method and works if only three steps are involved, a cascade of ten nested if-statements is not at all pleasant to look at. Clean Coders would certainly frown upon it.

Of course, C++ coders (clean or unclean) have a well-known solution for such cases: exceptions. Put a try/catch block around your code and throw exceptions if an initialization step fails:

But maybe you are not allowed to use exceptions in your project. How come? Some embedded folks abhor the idea of exceptions (for many, sometimes unjustified reasons) and even disable support for exceptions via compiler switches. Or, your language doesn’t support exceptions in the first place, like good ol’ C. So what do you do if you want to have cleaner code, anyway?

How about this technique:

This code is definitely shorter and more readable than the original code as well as the exception-based variant. But how does it work?

You simply pass a reference to a boolean flag (or pointer, if you prefer) to every initialization step routine. If the flag is already false, you skip executing the initialization code; otherwise you execute it and only set the flag to false in case of an error:

This approach flattens the nested-if cascade by moving the check for the successful execution of a previous step inside the method implementing the next step.

Usually, I try to avoid detailed error codes as much as possible. I prefer binary (boolean) results which only tell if something executed without failure. Should an error occur, I send detailed error information to a logger. If that’s not sufficient to you, you can use an enum instead of a boolean flag:

Instead of passing a reference to a boolean flag to you methods, you would pass a reference to an instance of enum Error. The rest of the code should stay mostly the same.

This Is Why We Mock, Part III

The refactorings I made in the previous episode, laid the groundwork for unit-testing. Now has come the time to talk about mocks. What are mocks, anyway?

From a component developer’s point of view, there are usually “foreign” components as well; that is, components that you are dependent on but you don’t want to unit-test. You don’t even want to #include or link-in such components when executing your unit tests. Often, such foreign components are developed by another person, department, or organization. In other cases, these components run only on a particular hardware. Sometimes, these components are not (fully) implemented yet when you start developing your component. Foreign components are outside the scope of the UUT (unit under test).

Mocks act as substitutes for foreign components. They adhere to the same interface as the foreign components, otherwise they wouldn’t be compatible. The cool thing about mocks is, that you, as a unit test developer, can specify how the mock should behave. So when you have a mocked Person class with a method “greet”, and the real implementation would normally respond with “Hello”, you could instruct your Person mock to return “hello”, “howdy”, “”, a nullptr, basically anything you want. This allows you to write unit tests that check that your UUT code behaves correctly, no matter what is returned by the greet method. Setting-up such behavior in the real foreign component would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. A mock is basically a puppet on a string — you pull the strings and it behaves accordingly.

Let’s do a concrete example using our temperature control app. We defined an “ISensor” interface and rewrote the whole app to only work against this interface. From this interface, we’ll derive a mock (I’ll use googlemock, one of the most popular, powerful, and reliable mocking frameworks for C++).

I suppose you can easily figure out what MOCK_METHOD does: It declares a method “getTemperature” that returns an “int” and takes “status” as a parameter, which is exactly the signature defined in “ISensor”. Now let’s toy around with this mock a little bit:

The interesting part is what happens in EXPECT_CALL; it basically means this:

  1. We expect, that during the execution of our test case, there will be exactly one call to “getTemperature” (“WillOnce”).
  2. We demand that the call to “getTemperature” yields a value of 200.

When we call the “getTemperature” method on the next line, “sensor” (our mock) will comply with our demand and return 200. That’s why the EXPECT_EQ statement will succeed. Let’s call “getTemperature” twice:

In this case, we’ll get

If we wanted to set our expectations such that “getTemperature” is called multiple times, we could use “.WillRepeatedly” instead of “.WillOnce” and our test would thereafter pass.

What about the “status” parameter? Is there a way to demand that output parameters are set to a certain value as well? You bet!

Here we have multiple demands on our mock (“DoAll”). The mock will set the value of the dereferenced first pointer argument to “bad” and the return value to 200. The same goes (with different values) for the second test case. Nice, isn’t it?

Since we now have a basic understanding of how mocking works, we can resume our task of unit-testing our temperature control app. Instead of using concrete sensor and heater objects, we’ll dependency-inject their mocked counterparts and set expectations and demands on our mocks. We then execute our UUT (the controller) and check if it behaves correctly (expect that the heater mock is turned on or off). For brevity’s sake, I’ll only show the “happy path” where the sensor status is never “bad”:

The remaining test cases can be found in this GitHub repository.

This concludes my mini series on mocking in C++. My aim was not to teach you all about mocking (or googlemock in particular), but rather wet your appetite. Another aim was to raise your level of awareness regarding “design for testability”, especially programming against interfaces instead of concrete classes. Your foreign components should always be derived from pure interfaces. Otherwise, you simply can’t dependency-inject mocks during unit testing — at least not in C++.

To be able to fully unit test our code — this is why we mock!

Previous episode

This Is Why We Mock, Part II

In the previous episode, I claimed that our temperature control application is utterly untestable. That’s quite a broad statement, so before going any further, I’d like to clarify what I really meant.

You can always load our code on an embedded device (like a Raspberry Pi) and attach an appropriate physical temperature sensor as well as a real heater. With the help of an additional external thermometer and an additional external heater you can create various conditions and check whether our system behaves as expected. This is called system testing. Even though it’s ultimately necessary, system testing is tedious, time-consuming, error-prone, expensive, depends on hardware and what-have-you. If you discover a bug at this stage, you have to repeat the whole manual procedure again (and again and again).

When I, as a developer, talk about testing, I generally mean unit testing. Unit testing can be done at your desk, on your PC, without external hardware, within seconds. Even better, it can be fully automated and parallelized. So to be more precise: our temperature control app is utterly impossible to unit-test.

What actually is the unit that we want to test? Our focus is on the control logic, so the class “Controller” is our unit-under-test (UUT). We want to verify whether all logic paths are covered and whether they produce the expected output (heater turned on or off).

In the remainder of this post, I’m going to rewrite the code such that unit testing becomes possible. Let’s go!

One major nuisance with the existing code is that it contains an endless loop. It’s impossible to look inside the loop from a unit test-case. So in a first step, I’ll factor out the meat of the loop, the code where the action takes place.

As you can see, all the loop in “run” now does is invoke a method called “step”. “step” contains the control logic and we have now a much better grip on it. By repeatedly calling “step” from within our test cases we can single step through the code logic and check after every step if we get the desired effects. (Therefore, I like the method name “step”, what about you?)

The fact that we aggregate the sensor and the heater as members of our controller is a gross violation of modern software design principles, as we make our code (the controller) depend on concrete implementations (classes). If we instead depend on interfaces, we can substitute one implementation (a hardware temperature sensor) with a fake/mock temperature sensor (more on mocks later), as long as they both adhere to the interface. So let’s get rid of concrete classes and introduce interfaces:

Our familiar hardware sensor implements this interface, just assume that the actual implementation hasn’t changed from the first episode:

We proceed in a similar fashion with the heater:

Finally, we can rewrite the controller code such that it works against abstract interfaces instead of concrete implementations:

All dependencies (sensor, heater) are passed via so-called dependency injection as interfaces to our controller class.

Obviously, in order to work as before, our application still must depend on concrete classes. But only in a single place — the main function:

Our code hasn’t changed a bit in functionality, it behaves just as before. But contrary to the initial design, it’s now utterly testable, er, unit-testable, I mean.

In the next episode, we’ll talk about mocks and finally implement the unit tests. Stay tuned!

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Next episode

This Is Why We Mock, Part I

Everytime I watch one of those “This is why we ride” videos, I immediately want to jump on my bike and head for some twisty mountain roads. What’s funny is that after watching these videos, even people who don’t have a driver’s license feel a strong urge to jump on a bike.

I wrote this post in a similar spirit, hoping to convince C++ developers that unit testing with mocks is both, necessary and fun. My main focus is presenting a case for using mocks, since I regularly meet even experienced coders who are not familiar with mocks. If you’re not familiar with mocks, it’s a clear sign that you have never really unit-tested your code. It’s that simple! You might have unit-tested some free-standing library or algorithm that you wrote, but when an application consists of multiple interacting components implemented by different people, there’s no way for you to test your component in isolation without linking-in the components you depend on. If you do so, you’re not doing unit testing. You’re rather doing integration testing. And what do you do if the components you depend on are still under development? Do you postpone your work and wait until they are fully done? What if some components are hardware-dependent and only available on the target platform? Do you leave the comfort of your host platform and execute your tests only on the target platform? No! What you do is sprinkle some “design for testability” over your code and test against mocks. Suck it up!

Let’s do an example, a very basic temperature control application. It consists of a heat sensor, a heater, and the controller. The controller is a simplistic on-off controller which reads the current temperature from the sensor and compares it against a target temperature. If the temperature is below the target temperature, the controller turns the heater on, if the temperature is above the target temperature, it turns it off. To make it a bit more interesting, I added another requirement.

To avoid frequent on/off toggling of the heater around the target temperature point, the controller supports so-called hysteresis, a temperature range below the target temperature in which the controller doesn’t turn on the heater even though there is a deviation from the target temperature. Here’s an example: if the target temperature is set to 23 degrees and there’s a hysteresis of 2 degrees, the controller will not turn on the heat if the current temperature is 22 degrees. Not even if the current temperature is 21 degrees. It will, however, turn on the heater at 20 degrees (or less) as this is outside the range of the hysteresis.

But wait, there’s another point to mention. The temperature sensor provides a status, which tells if the temperature reading can be relied upon. If the sensor status is “bad”, the measurement must be ignored. If the status is “bad” for two times in a row, it means that the sensor is broken and the controller application shall (for the sake of safety) turn the heater off and exit.

If you like, you can pause here and think about how to implement and test this application.

Done? Here’s my naive implementation:

Does this code implement the requirements correctly? I don’t know for sure, but I assume it does. Do you agree?

Correct or buggy, it’s hard to agree. But we can easily agree on one thing: this code is utterly untestable. In the next part, I’ll refactor it such that it becomes one hundred percent testable, which allows us to move from correctness assumptions to knowledge. Stay tuned!

Next episode

Accessing Private Members With The Attorney Pattern

“C++: Where all your friends have access to your private parts.”
— anonymous

For good reasons, class designers usually keep implementation details out of the public interface. In object-oriented programming, this is called “encapsulation” and is generally considered a good thing. However, when unit testing such a class, it’s sometimes desirable to access private members of a class to verify that a class indeed works correctly, not just on the “surface” (i. e. the public interface). As an example, take this contrived C++ class that we want to develop our unit tests against:

If we attempt to access ‘privateMethod’ or the ‘values’ array from our tests, we’re out of luck, since they’re both declared private.

There are several known solutions to work around this problem:

  1. Simply don’t use the ‘private’ and ‘protected’ access modifiers; declare all members ‘public’. While this is common practice in the Python community, it’s shunned by the C++ community.
  2. When the unit test build runs, let the preprocessor substitute all occurrences of ‘private’ (or ‘protected’) with ‘public’ by specifying the substitution as a command-line argument to the compiler (i. e. -Dprivate=public). While this is quite pragmatic and doesn’t require any code changes, some folks refuse to accept such behind-the-scenes preprocessor trickery.
  3. Instead of directly using ‘private’ and ‘protected’ access modifiers in your class definition, use your own preprocessor symbols like ‘PRIVATE’ and ‘PROTECTED’. During a regular build, these symbols are replaced via the preprocessor with ‘private’ and ‘protected’, respectively; during a unit test build, they both are expanded to ‘public’. While this approach is more transparent than the previous approach, it’s not at all pleasant to look at and there’s no syntax-highlighting support by editors/IDEs.
  4. Access the inaccessible members via a trusted entity, an attorney. In the remainder of this post, I’ll explain this approach.

Generally speaking, one risk of making many private details easily accessible during unit test builds is that unit test developers are seduced into making their tests too dependent on low-level implementation details, which makes future refactorings much harder. The attorney pattern also gives you low-level access but in a much more controlled fashion; it forces you to be explicit about what you want to access:

ClientAttorney is basically a limited, forwarding proxy around an existing Client instance that makes part of Client’s implementation details publicly available. For this to work, ClientAttorney obviously needs to be declared a ‘friend’ in Client’s class definition:

While some folks complain that this requires too much typing, proponents emphasize that this exactly the strong point of the attorney pattern: in order to be able to do something shady you have to invest a little effort, which automatically reduces the amount of shadiness that you introduce into your unit tests.

Personally, I like this explicit approach, but I never liked all the boilerplate. It’s not just tedious to type and maintain: If the signature of a Client method changes subtly (say a parameter changes from ‘int’ to ‘double’), inconsistencies can remain dormant for quite some time until suddenly problems arise. So in my tests I use this templated variant of the attorney pattern:

Then, in my unit testing project, all I need to do is this:

By employing subclassing and ‘using’ declarations, I can redeclare existing private base class (Client) members as public without having to worry about future type or signature changes. This solution still forces developers to be explicit but avoids most of the tediousness and is at the same time less error-prone.

Bug Hunting Adventures #15: Hex String Entanglements

“Don’t be drawn into any web of entanglement created by others.”
― Steven Redhead, Life Is Simply A Game

The following routine is from a real-world project. It’s supposed to convert binary data into a printable C-string of hexadecimal digits. Even though the developer diligently wrote some unit tests, he got complaints from his fellow coders a few days later. Can you find what’s wrong with it?

Unit tests:
